Staying Up

Hi. Hey, yeah do you remember me? Apologies for the delay, but at the moment, revision is the only thing going on in my life right now.
Since I last spoke to you, my biggest piece of netball news is the accomplishment of my squad in our play-offs to stay up in Division One. We won the first game. The end was a battle; a tough side. However, we pulled out all the stops to win by 2 goals. However, our Captain Beth went down in the second quarter and did the dreaded ACL which any netballer knows is not the best and crutches are currently her best friend. Get well soon Beth!!
We lost the second game which meant it was all down to the result of the other two sides. After a nail biting hour, we could finally rejoice and staying up where I feel we belong in Div 1 is the best feeling. Lots to learn going forwards to avoid being in the play offs in the future - my nerves wouldn't be able to take it again!
Talking of staying up, here are my top tips for surviving the exam period, (at least I'm not training for the next couple weeks but the other night felt great to let off some steam!)

1. Daily exercise is key - this involves walking more than the 50 yards to the fridge or to your Easter Egg stash at the foot of your bed.
2. Iced lattes. Who knew? For someone who never thought they would like the taste of coffee, this daily hit of caffeine has raised my study game; shoutout to the lads at work who introduced me to coffee in the first place. I can't quite get the leaf pattern just yet though... (Ethan you better keep on helping me!)
3. Get a bean bag. The excitement of having a different revision position is never to be underestimated. Thanks John Lewis for sorting me out #notspon
4. Daily puppy cuddles are a must! Even if you don't have a dog, get that daily exercise and go find one to stroke. Apparently it induces the feel-good hormone... defo need those atm.
5. The single life is once again for me. Tbh quite liking the company of my friends more at the minute #sorrynotsorry
6. Sour cream pretzels. Enough said.
7. Using mind maps. However, when they take up all of your wall space, you really have got a problem! (Must learn to cut down my mapping skills)
8. Seriously plan your down time. A break from studying is just as important as studying itself.
9. Remember your goal. The exam period is difficult but it will be over in the blink of an eye. Trust me, just be prepared.
10. Take time for your mental health. I know I have talked about this before and I will be talking about this again, (watch this space!) Talk to friends, family, teachers and coaches you trust. Don't bottle things up. Stress can be debilitating. Keep motivated, stay positive and be happy.

For any of my readers going through exam stress at the moment, keep strong, good luck and I am always here if you need to chat. Remember, your choices will open up to you if you keep going with a strong aspiration in mind.


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