Greetings from Dubai!

So, as you know it was my 18th birthday just over a week ago... I received the best gift I could have asked for. A half term holiday at the Atlantis in Dubai! Where temperatures have reached 39 degrees, the sun is always shining and the staff give you a hearty hello every day. If you've never stayed here before, think Disney on steroids, minus the characters. Everything here is loud, vibrant and celebrity spotting is all part of the game. (Shoutout to Zara and Adam from Love Island who stayed next door and were also behind us on the beach... little to my knowledge until I got to the room when mum decided to inform me it was them... HOW DID I NOT NOTICE?!) Also Russell Howard showing his fears before descending on the leap of faith at the waterpark!
Flight was great and surprise surprise I had extra leg room. No sleep, some good movies and arrived in time for the breakfast buffet. Just to clarify, is it normal for children to have chicken chow mein, pizza, marshmallows covered in chocolate and fruit for breakfast all washed down with fizzy sweets? I have stuck to yoghurt and a hash brown chaser.
Some great things to see and do here, (although that tall boy still hasn't made his appearance yet...) We stumbled across a basketball net in one of the pools - why am I always drawn to shooting practise in whatever circumstances? Two dads with their sons, (no stereotypical images here then,) all hogging the balls and failing to sink it. Yes, they were buff but discounted the lanky 'girly' me on the side and would not pass the ball. Eventually my turn came and the dads were still trying to get one in the net. After shooting five consecutive shots over their masculine heads, they slowly vacated the area, dragging their jaws and sons along the pool sides. If you've got it, flaunt it. NEVER underestimate a woman.
Three days in and a trip to the waterpark had already been made. Here comes that other height advantage/ that feeling of satisfaction (even at the age of five when I stood next to the height chart I never had an issue.) Kids crying about the fact that they couldn't go on the ride while I walked smugly passed them was a great feeling. Oh and I did find something taller than me... the Burj Khalifa!
Day 4 - if you ever need a sponsorship for eating check out Saffron at the Atlantis - I never knew it was possible to eat a full roast followed closely by the taste of Asia, seven sample puddings and an ice cream, (had to return to pudding cart as I realised I missed the sticky toffee pudding. #Noregrets.) Rolled back to the room via the outdoor basketball court - had to try and burn the food off somehow.
Day 5 - snorkelling in the UAE's biggest aquarium. Not going to lie, the carpet of stingrays was slightly disturbing. You try keeping these legs up close to you in fear of a shark nibbling at your toes. It's not easy. Have to admit, I did float in the same section for 10 minutes of the 20 we got, but once I was dragged out by a diver, I seemed to settle a bit. Children waving at me through the glass reminded me of how once again waving to a crowd makes me know what I still want to be.
So it will be back to training once I return from the trip of a lifetime. Love my family for doing this for me and creating memories I will never forget in my 18th year of being on this planet.


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