I'm Back!

So. Where have I been? Studying, sleeping (now and again,) working and repeating. I wanted to reflect upon my last few games of netball. After all, this is a blog about netball!

03.02.19 - Regional Game, all revved up with my on the go yogurt and newly found love, granola. Felt positive as I'd had such a great game the previous week. It just shows how wrong you can be in the world of sport. I am supposed to be a goal shooter. The net could have been the size of Planet Earth and I still wouldn't have been able to get it in. It was just one of those days where every shot hit the same part of the ring and rebounded back down to the court along with my self-esteem and confidence. I was frustrated not only with my lack of aim but the fact that I just couldn't finish off the job for my team. It is fair to say, I was shocking. They would have got more goals in with a 4ft 6in garden gnome. I came off at half time; then it hit me. I cried. Then I cried again. Then I cried some more. The team of course rallied round and that group hug at the end made me realise that it wasn't the end of the world. "So, to lighten the mood, Moll, how was your date?!" Thanks Izzy, that made me laugh. Let's just say, the night before had gone much better than my shooting...

06.02.19 - What a different game. From missing every shot, to only missing one. How?! This is why the world of netball is not only a mysterious one but is one where you can pick yourself up and go again to change the outcome. It was a school match. We supported each other and carried each other to victory. Amazing play all round.

09.02.19 - Talk about one extreme to the other; my stats were great and every shot that went in lifted me up and gave me the feeling of when I was a small child being raised onto my Dad's shoulders. (Yes, I actually was once small enough to do this!)

10.02.19 - So back with my regional squad. Shout-out to all you great girls. It was a tough game and sadly one that we did lose. BUT, we got points and my shooting was much better than last week. Claps all round. Even though we lost, I did not let my head drop and that is the difference. As cliché as this sounds, it really is a mind game. Self-belief and a strong sense of team play is absolutely vital. It is the way you learn by your mistakes that carries you forwards. Defeat will only break you if you refuse to rise again. Remember, it's not all about the scorecard.


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