New Year, New Me #Cringe

Happy New Year everyone! So, a new year brings more new resolutions. “I’m going to lose weight, I’m going to get level 18 on the bleep test (ew; whenever I’m at the supermarket, the scan it yourself bleep haunts me as I feel as though I need to sprint to the carrots and back in record time) oh and I’m going to go in the freezing cold garage to do a daily session on the spin bike (if it was inside, sure!) These are what I’d like to think I’d do…. But here are the real ones…

1.     Stop moaning about the following:
·      how much work needs to be completed
·      the lack of crisps that you actually get in a packet these days
·      having to get up at 6:45am
·      having to walk the dog even though ‘she is mine’
·      the cost of petrol (no one warns you about this when you’ve passed your test)
·      the fact that most shops don’t facilitate for the ‘tall ones’ of this world
·      life
2.     Will bring down the variety of rubbish from my bedside table including the crisp packet that only contained four crisps, empty water bottles and one-week old orange peel (have been known to find this in bed)
3.     Stop being a sloth – see point two
4.     Start shooting practise with actual humans – it’s quite sad when all you talk to a post during practise on a daily basis
5.     Offer to help more in the kitchen – i.e. uncross legs in the ‘awaiting to be served’ position at the table and once dinner has been consumed, stop saying to Mum ‘Molly is not available right now, please leave a message’ when asked to clear the table

So, this season, I aim to improve my fitness score, my positioning and my movement on the court in the circle. I know that once these practises have been established it will improve my game and my sporting mentality. When watching Super 10 last week, the excitement of the build-up of the games made me more determined about getting to that point in the future.   So, what are your new years resolutions? Let me know and we can compare notes.

Also, side-note, had a great game this morning resulting in a win for Charnwood! So chuffed with how my performance went as it was my first time playing a whole game for the team and I think we all did each other proud… well done girls!


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