New Year, New Beginnings

Hi everyone,

So. 2018 has been a big year for me. Starting a new club, entering my last year of A levels, applying to uni, passing my driving test, turning 18 and of course, starting this blog. It has opened up so many opportunities for me. But what's been your biggest achievement?
This is only going to be a short post as I am about to leave for an annual family get together at Grandma and Grandad's house; one we do to finish off the Christmas food and consume over 5,000 calories. (Don't worry Sam and Lyn, I am doing my Christmas fitness to burn it all off I promise!) Games are played, alcohol is consumed and laughter is heard. It's nice to see those you don't get to see that often; and that's what Christmas is all about for me.
So going into 2019, I hope that it is filled with happiness, positivity and joy. Of course, there will be a few bumps in the road as there is every year but I'll get through them. I hope your New Year is full of prosperity and that you achieve your dreams that you are chasing. We can do this.
Have a good one everyone! See you in 2019!



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