Head Above Sand

I can't believe it's been a month since I last posted! 3 exams down, 5 to go and I'm still plodding my way through revision, but my head is no longer in the sand avoiding it all and I am now fully submerged in the process and have a clearer goal about what I want to do in this next year.
I was certain I was going to take a gap year after my exams were over. This is no longer the case! A girls night out to see The Vamps with Eleanor, (insert insane picture below!) we got chatting about her plans for Uni. It made me realise a few things about myself. I was ready, but I needed the push to make me want to go for it. Turns out, Eleanor is going to the same Uni as I am (fingers crossed)! So once again, just by talking to others gives us the opportunity to reflect on what's important. Having that open convo is making me more determined to get the grades I need. It's given me a focus. An aim.
If you weren't aware, (have you had your head in the sand?) I couldn't have been more explicit on my social media about my recent appearance on the podcast, Netball Nation! This experience allowed me to openly voice my opinion regarding the stigma of mental health in athletes. The terrific trio that is Sara Bayman, Emma Louise Jones and Maggie made me feel at ease and they commended me for being proactive by speaking publicly about the issues around this topic. I have to say, this was one of my netball highlights so far! The feedback I got from listeners was also great to read. This gives me further incentive to continue with this topic. It has also given me further insight into the career that I want to do. Loved being interviewed, but now I would like to be on the other side of the camera too.
Of course because of the decisions about Uni, this means I will no longer be able to play for Charnwood. So once again it means leaving behind some great memories but using these to build on my aspirations to join other teams in the future. Two tournaments to go with the girls - lets make them good ones!
So fingers crossed for Worcester and all it will bring. There is no way I am giving up my netball.
Finally, remember exam season is nearly over, hold onto the things you look forward to. My list of fun includes:
1. Gathering of friends to celebrate the end of exams
2. Prom - a final chance to say goodbye to those I have spent my last seven year with
3. Going abroad - the house in Majorca where I will no doubt be using Barry the flamingo again to practise my shooting
4. University shopping - it's an excuse to go shopping isn't it? Even if it is for practical junk
5. Clearing the space on my walls and floor of all those revision posters

So until next time, keep your head above the sand, keep active and remember your goals.



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