GOOOAAALLLS - always believe in your soul - Yes, I know it's 'Gold,' but this has quite a nice ring to it, don't you think? (Thanks Spandau for the inspiration.) When we hear this word, 'goal,' we think about our lives; our aims and ambitions. Short term, mid term and long term. At school and netball I hear this more often than not. (At the moment, a clear goal for me is getting up before lunch time after clocking in for a bout of This Morning #LoveYouPhil) So let's break this down. 1. To find a taller boyfriend - one who won't have to stand on a step to look lovingly into my eyes. 2. To be recognised and remembered by my old primary school peers (not just for the bobble hat,) but for someone who has achieved her netball dream, representing her country. 3. To wear a pair of high heels and not have to crouch to get through the door of a club. 4. My A Levels - yes, I do still take them very seriously despite my training commitments. 5. A good job ...